Friday, December 29, 2006
Bishop getting his groove on!!!
Bishop has been really paying attention to music these days, I think it is because of the Disney Channel, seems like there is always music playing on there. He is also trying to talk more, not sure what he is saying though. He had a great Christmas, he got so many toys that I had to go through his old ones and put them up in the attic. He is also understanding more words yesterday I told him to get his shoes, he went towards his room stopped at the trash can then went on to his room for his shoes. He really loves to open and shut doors especially the garage door, when he hits that button he starts shaking with excitment it is so funny. He is a really good boy.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Christmas 2006 at the Mayos
we had Christmas at our house again this year, We had a great time seeing everyone. Bishop was not really into the opening of presents but has played a lot with his toys. Ronnie's Mom Jill came up and had a yummy of Desserts for us. Thanks to all who came and helped out with the food.
Monday, December 18, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
trying to start a new Family Tradition

Bishop has started opening and shutting doors, sometimes he will shut his self in a room with out me in the dark, those arn't good times, he usually runs out and hugs me when I open the door. Well I am just trying to enjoy my day off , i worked a couple extra days last week and am so ready for a good nights rest, whoo hoo, its the little things.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Who would have thought....
That it would be 70+ degrees in November. I don't know but i like it. Me and Bishop when outside today and played on the the ground, he first real time to explore the grass, he wasn't to sure about it. We swept off the back deck and just chilled outside. Ronnie had to go take his grandfather to the hospital, he called us and said he thought he had a stoke, but so far they can't find anything wrong. He left to go back down there today. We had a good Thanksgiving, I went to Stephanies while Bishop and Ronnie went to his Grandfathers to eat with his family and then came back to Stephs later.Oh well I have to go to work tonight, catch you later.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Christmas Cards for sale

Christmas Cards for sale
Seasons Greetings to all!!!!
Its that time again to start sending out your Christmas greetings. Let me help you and me both out by making some of the cutest cards for you. This is usually how I make my Christmas money. So please forward this to your friends and family members to help me out. I will so appreciate it as will Bishop and Ronnie. Prices are at the bottom of the post.

The card above is #1 Poinsetta greetings

# 2 Teddy Bear Holidays

#3 Santa in Plaid to the left
#4 Snowman Happy Holiday (Below)

#6 Believe in Frosty (to the right)

#7 A Merry little Christmas Truck (2 left pictures)

#8 Jingle all the way (to the right)

#9 Happy Holidays Frosty (above)
Qty 1 $3.00
Qty 5 $13.00
Qty 10 $25.00
Qty 15 $35.00
Qty 20 $45.00
Qty 30 $65.00
Please email me with your card # and name with quantity desired. Thanks for looking!!!!
Friday, November 10, 2006
doctor visit 15 m check up

We went to the doctor yesterday and dr Greeley was out so we saw Dr Mace she was very sweet. Anyways she said he was healthy but small, but that was ok. He weighs 21.8 lbs. had only gained 1 pound in the last 3 months(12 percentile, with 50 being average) his height was 30" (15%) his head circumfrence was 68% forgot exact measurment, so a big head. Anyways then we went to see Grandmomma in the hospital , she had surgery on wednesday the 2nd time in 10 months to drain a cancerous tumor she had in her abdominal cavity poor thing she hasnt felt good since the first surgery. These pictures are of Bishop and some of his 1st few independent steps.
Whats up ??"B'
Monday, November 06, 2006
hanging out

Greetings All!! Hope this finds everyone doing well. I am just watching the CMA awards and surfing the net. I have to go to work later --yuck!!! Bishops is standing here playing with the remotes and jabbering away. I think he said bye bye on saturday 11-4-06. He climbed up his slide twice today all by himself. He walked to me today without me coaxing him to do so. He is really trying to be independent. My little punkin -- he is a sweet boy. Talk at you later.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hope everyone had a great Halloween, we did good but learned what not to do.....Do not go to White House Trail of Treats--unless you want to spend a few hours in traffic, waiting in line FOREVER!!!!!We did this last night, tonight we went to Opry Mills, okay it was better,but they had crappy candy, like peppermints and such. But we went to Ronnie's mom and got good stuff, then we went to Sissys and Uncle Dave and got cookies, and crackers and a whole chocolate bar, whoo hoo . Thanks Sissy!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Glascow, Ky B & B
Friday, October 27, 2006
whats up??? peanuts!!!
Hellooooooooo, world--not that the world reads my blog. Me and Bishop had a good day today except for the fact he is trying to help me type this blog.
"hhgttt ffffljn n bb trdcfdffccfc ,;/.;okkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioou" direct quote from him. Looks like he is trying to say he owes me "IOU". Anyways just checking in , it has been rainy all day today and yesterday. Yuck!! just puts me in a mood of blahhh. that all for now bye
"hhgttt ffffljn n bb trdcfdffccfc ,;/.;okkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioou" direct quote from him. Looks like he is trying to say he owes me "IOU". Anyways just checking in , it has been rainy all day today and yesterday. Yuck!! just puts me in a mood of blahhh. that all for now bye
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
blogs blogs and other stuff

okay until recently, I used to blog now I am addicted to reading other peoples blogs, well only scrapbooking ones. I have to get back into this for my punkin. We had a not so great day today, I have come to the reality that he is spoiled and I know its my fault, but I don't know how to let him scream and cry IT DRIVES ME INSANE!!! I can't drowned it out like Ronnies says too. I am not dealing with these issues very well, and I have been sick (Bishop brought it home from daycare) Oh well I guess I need to rent the whole season of "The Nanny". I think I could learn something from it. And daycare , he will not be going back there, he hates and cries the entire time he is there, they called me the last 2 times he was there. Okay on with my guilt. So one of the new blogs and message boards I am addicted to is
They will give you free scissors when you become a fiskateer and always are giving great stuff away--Right Sister?? she has gotten a lot of stuff. So me and sister are going to a crop this weekend in Kentucky, I am sooooooo looking forward to it I need a break, Whoo Hoo!!! The 2 pictures I posted are from our mini anniversary trip to Chattanooga. One is of me climbing the rock wall, the other is of Bishop and his talking elmo-- he loves this thing.
Monday, October 16, 2006
2 months overdue
I know , I know, do I not have time to blog anymore or what.............uh noooo I have a toddler that is starting to walk and getting in to everything. He took a few steps to Steph on tuesday the 10th, and then each day I try to step back a couple more steps so he will go further, and he gets so excited. So what all has happened in the last 2 months, lets see, we have another tooth that makes 7 already. Me and Ronnie had our 4th anniversary, we drove to Chattanooga for the night, went to the aquarium, and rock city, and lookout Mountain, was fun just went by very quickly.
Also had my craft-n-camp in September, sister got sick and she had to leave that wasn't very fun for her. I got 29 pages done, yahoooooooo, needed to catch up and finish 2005, I am alot closer now. Sister had a birthday on the 12th and Austins is just around the corner. Me and Julie did our 1st craft fair on saturday, bless our hearts we only made 11.00 between us both. saddddddddddddddd. Had our october club meeting on friday (stampin up) no one came from the group thats okay, I had a good time anyway, a couple of people came from work and I showed them how to make a couple of projects, maybe the last party (groupwise) will be better in November on the 2nd, mark your calenders please. I will probably have a crop at my house or clubhouse in late january or maybe Julie will have one. We will be going to craft-n-camp in febuary Yippeee, maybe sister will feel better this time. Then ck convention in may 4-5, then there is a CKU coming in august . peace out
Also had my craft-n-camp in September, sister got sick and she had to leave that wasn't very fun for her. I got 29 pages done, yahoooooooo, needed to catch up and finish 2005, I am alot closer now. Sister had a birthday on the 12th and Austins is just around the corner. Me and Julie did our 1st craft fair on saturday, bless our hearts we only made 11.00 between us both. saddddddddddddddd. Had our october club meeting on friday (stampin up) no one came from the group thats okay, I had a good time anyway, a couple of people came from work and I showed them how to make a couple of projects, maybe the last party (groupwise) will be better in November on the 2nd, mark your calenders please. I will probably have a crop at my house or clubhouse in late january or maybe Julie will have one. We will be going to craft-n-camp in febuary Yippeee, maybe sister will feel better this time. Then ck convention in may 4-5, then there is a CKU coming in august . peace out
Saturday, August 12, 2006
12 month doctor visit

Bishop had is 12 month check up on Thursday. He got three shots and a pricked finger, he was not happy, he was so mad that he was speaking some sort of words to the nurse he he started crying, bless his heart. But we are still doing good. He is 20.4 lbs, and 29" long. His weight was in the 25% prcentile, he head was above forgot the # though. Here is a couple of pictures from that day.
Monday, August 07, 2006
The first Birthday
These are just a few of the many pictures of our big birthday party. We all had a great time especially the little one. It was Elmo themed, he got lots of toys and clothes.
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Toilet paper
Check this cute little dude out, eating toilet paper, pulling it off the roll. He really was working hard at it, bless his heart.
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
cute baby bum

This is my cute babies bum. This morning when I got home from work, he had his bum pushed so far up in the air I had to take a picture.
This past week has been a rocky one, some days we were not the best of friends. He is still the sweetest boy I have ever known. We are starting to plan his birthday party. I think it is going to be Elmo themed. Since Shelbys birthday and his are so close we are going to have theirs together. I made the invitations this weekend, I will be mailing them next week.
I had my stampin up crop party this past friday, it was fun but seems like it went by a lot faster that it took to put together and plan for. It was a lot of work. It could be a while before the next one,I think.
Oh weel talk to you cats later. CCCCCCCCCCCCCc-ya
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Turn on turn off turn on turn off

Bishop has learned how to turn the water on,then turn it off, on so on ......... bless his heart, he is also saying dude, or so it sounds like it, he will reach out his hand and say dude. He has been a good boy this week for the most part this week, I can't believe that he will be a year old in about 3 weeks. I am going to have his party on saturday the 5th. I will be making ivitations maybe next week. I have to go to work tonight, not looking forward to it, and working tomorrow, and then my sat and sun. yuck, but the bills must be paid right?? Peace Out!!!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
1st French Fry

Greetings my peeps!!
I have to alert you all, junk food has entered my sons life, tonight he ate a french fry, yep thats right. He had enough of us eating french fries and decided it was definetly it was his turn. He screamed, squealed and gave us the ooooooh face. So I picked up my chicken ball(yes I actually said that , not sure where it came from, but Ronnie said I could never say it again) and he just stared at Ronnie eating it, like how dare you do that in front of me w/o asking if I want one. So I said to give him one, and guess what he liked it. Me and Bishop had a good day today , we chilled by the pool, And I do mean that--the water was cold, he just got his feet wet, came in took our bath, took a nap, cleaned the kitchen, made brownies, vaccumed (sp??) he loves the vaccum, he just stares and then in his walker goes in for the attack just like a sneaky cat.
I can believe my 5 days off is almost over--WHY Why WHY does it go by so fast?? Please tell me WHY? I am going to crop at scrappucino tomorrow night, little excited its been awhile. Oh well I am going to enjoy my few minutes of peace before taking a long summers nap. Peace OUT~~~~~
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