okay until recently, I used to blog now I am addicted to reading other peoples blogs, well only scrapbooking ones. I have to get back into this for my punkin. We had a not so great day today, I have come to the reality that he is spoiled and I know its my fault, but I don't know how to let him scream and cry IT DRIVES ME INSANE!!! I can't drowned it out like Ronnies says too. I am not dealing with these issues very well, and I have been sick (Bishop brought it home from daycare) Oh well I guess I need to rent the whole season of "The Nanny". I think I could learn something from it. And daycare , he will not be going back there, he hates and cries the entire time he is there, they called me the last 2 times he was there. Okay on with my guilt. So one of the new blogs and message boards I am addicted to is www.fiskateers.com
They will give you free scissors when you become a fiskateer and always are giving great stuff away--Right Sister?? she has gotten a lot of stuff. So me and sister are going to a crop this weekend in Kentucky, I am sooooooo looking forward to it I need a break, Whoo Hoo!!! The 2 pictures I posted are from our mini anniversary trip to Chattanooga. One is of me climbing the rock wall, the other is of Bishop and his talking elmo-- he loves this thing.
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