I know , I know what you are saying..does she ever post anymore??? well it sure doesn't look like it.. well here is some photos of the last couple of weeks....

this was 4th of July at the park...Bishop above in the jumpy thing and riding the little fire engine below..he rode it over and over and over...

he is soooooo Patriotic insn't he..lol..then below mowing the yard last week..

Bella on the slide and there she goes...she loved it ..and her serious pose below... such a Princess..muwah to her..I soooo love you little girl..................

This hat she wore all day and when it would fall off she would get sooo mad..lol

Bishop scrapped his first card..isn't he adorable..me loves him so much..muwah..then some of my work below.

ok so like a year ago or so I did these post where I listed something I was grateful for..think I am gonna start this up again..its motivation for me to post..ya know..soo
Day 1... I am sooooo grateful for all the peas in my pod( you know my family)..my peeps.their health..thank you God for that... I know I am broke as all get out..but I am so grateful for the roof over our head and the food in our bellies ..if it is even for today.. I am grateful that my baby girl said yes and no this past week..not to answer one of my questions but to the tv..hey hey now its a start.
And a follow up on her speech..she took that hearing test and passed..so that was the 1st step ($300.00) next step is in Sept (its $600.00)can you say WOW!!! but if it gets her to talking it will be worth it.
ok Muwah..to all my peeps out there in blogland..and I will try and be back tomorrow for my day 2 post