sorry my blog peeps...not sure where the last 2 months went.. I am still alive..we didnt float away with the floods we had, we did make a trip to the ER one night, Bella fell hit the stone & metal coffee table across the bridge of her nose and eye...totally freaked out ...I thought we were gonna have to do a crainy ..but when we arrived she vomited everywhere ..literally me & her were dripping standing in the ER...did a CT scan..she was okay nothing broke either..Thank you God for that..then she got 5 stitches .. and as of know it has healed up nicely but no out in the sun for 6 months w/o a hat & poor lil'punkin.
umm what else me & my friends Jen and April went to Myrtle beach for a short visit to a scrapping retreat, Jen drove we had a good time until hwe heard what was happening back here..but no national news we heard it from weird is that, we were supposed to come back in on Sunday late but decided to stay until morning to leave so we could she where to go and since all the interstates were messed up, thank goodness we did..because we had a blow out.. but with the trusty knowledge that my Dad made me change all the tires on my car before i turned 16.. I knew somewhere on FB they video it and I am changing the
...other new Shelby will have his Graduation this friday i believe, Go Shelby!!
umm scrapped about 6 pgs at the retreat and a few cards..but need to start cranking out alot more..been practing my coloring, I think I am getting better..but definitietly miss my girls at the Stamp night at the Church in Hermitage ..I am coming next month dont care what plans, or what comes up.....I AM COMING!!
okay so here is my catch up post..let me see if I can add few pics to it.

oh oh I almost forgot ..I went to the Famous Crane Crawfish Boil.. had a great time and did my first ceg stand...ahhh so much fun!!! if you want to see the video here is the link