yeah, yeah long time no post, I am a busy woman 2 kids,& a husband, and a house to clean and a full time job, and a little girl who loves her mommy to the point she wants me all the time. BUSY!!!!
Anyways whats been going on here well planning a 1 year birthday party, trying to scrap--but hardly ever happens {my computer gets in the way of this usually} when I get to sit down at my desk. But tonight we made time to make cupcakes, They were just plain butter cake with chocolate , but they were good
The outside pictures were from last night. We took a wagon ride around the yard and got eat up from mosquitos--they love us.
Not much going on here but Bella is pulling up on everything and tonight she fell and put a place on her head, bless her heart its hard to watch when they try to be so brave all the time, and you can't prevent them from falling each time.
Anyways on a scrappy note, the fiskateers are coming to Nashville, how cool is this, November 15, 2008 not sure where but for 20.00 you get to scrap all day and they feed you and you get goodies too. Anyways you have to be a fiskateer to go{I think} so go sign up--if you want to go!!
thats all I got to say about that--peace ooooooooouuuuuuuutttttttttt~~~~~~~~